Tweens Take Over Philly Type-IN!

When you schedule a Type-IN and it turns out to be set right next to a big Pumpkin Fest for kids, you toss the program out the window and just keep loading paper into those machines and unsticking the occasional rugby scrum of type bars. These Tweens dug typing, and we went way over schedule. Michael Ardito of Hometown Business Machines helped with crowd control, brought a stack of his typewriters and gave out a lot of cards. He also answered some typewriter history and technology questions from the kids. Numerous parents had whispered Xmas present conversations, about which we can say no more, nudge, nudge, wink-wink!

This young man comes from a typewriter-equipped home; he set to  and immediately began a chapter story.

This young man comes from a typewriter-equipped home; he set to and immediately began a chapter story.

This is about the fifth set of typers we had on the machines–and we had a blast. Thanks to one and all.

Here's a group pic of tomorrow's typists!

Here’s a group pic of tomorrow’s typists!


Filed under Analog Events, Hermes Rocket Typewriter, manual typewriter, Olivetti Lettera 22, Olivetti Lettera 32, Olympia SF Cursive, Olympia SM 3, Olympia SM7, Olympia SM9, Olympia Socialite, Philadelphia, public typewriting, Remington typewriter, Type-IN

3 responses to “Tweens Take Over Philly Type-IN!

  1. Kids and typewriters. Always a great mix!

  2. Added to! (:

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